We publish blogs written by our curated contributors on topics of mental wellness, human connection, community, and listening and vulnerability

Meet Our New Blog Manager

I was scrolling online when my friend sent me a link to a job posting for a Blog Manager position. “Thought this might interest you,” he said.

As someone who struggles with a mental illness, I've often felt like I had to wrestle with an annoying little demon that lives in my brain.

Most of us probably felt lonely and missed our friends during the covid-19 lockdown. But in some ways, it also gave us plenty of alone time to express ourselves freely, without fear of judgement.

In Queer Waters

As we celebrate Pride this week in Montreal, I wanted to share my journey about how I went from struggling with invalidation and self-doubt, to fully embracing my identity.

Eating disorders are debilitating conditions that can have life-threatening consequences. In order to help those who are affected, we must debunk the many myths that still surround them.

Not everything our minds tell us is true: it's extremely common to fall into faulty thinking patterns, or cognitive distortions, that can take a toll on our mental health.

Love and Attachment

In the world of dating, some partners seem to be overly attached while others are allergic to commitment. More often than not, this is the result of different attachment styles.

No one likes being sick. But emetophobia is more than that: it's an all-consuming, paralyzing fear of throwing up that affects many aspects of daily life.

As the covid-19 pandemic upheaves our lives in unprecedented ways, we may have to make an extra effort to build our resilience.

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