Meet Our New Blog Manager

I was scrolling online when my friend sent me a link to a job posting for a Blog Manager position. “Thought this might interest you,” he said. Intrigued, I clicked on it and jumped down the rabbit hole we like to call the Internet in search for more information. Do you have experience with active listening? Are you passionate about mental health advocacy? Are you experienced in writing and editing? The unanimous yes whispered under my breath followed these questions across the board—so with that, I figured I would apply. What’s the worst that could happen?

Flash forward a couple of weeks, and here we are! I’ve been given the task to introduce myself to the Vent Over Tea community, but I don’t think I could begin without thanking VoT’s previous Blog Manager, Anna Dang, for her brilliant work. To Anna, the rest of the VoTeam, all our contributors, readers, and active listeners—I want to say a big thank you for welcoming me to the community. I can already feel the warmth and inviting nature of VoT, and I’m looking forward to continuing the conversation with you all.

Now for a little bit about me. My name’s Danielle and I am passionate about all things mental health—whether it’s reading, writing, talking, or listening. I have my own struggles when it comes to mental illness and my escape has always been writing. From poetry, to personal essays, or blog posts, the core of my writing comes from a place of vulnerability. What brings me the most peace when opening up about struggles with mental illness is empathy—a little goes such a long way.

Alongside our thoughtful VoT authors, I will be contributing to the blog and continuing to share my struggles with mental illness—so you can get used to seeing my name around here! If you’ve ever thought of sharing your story but never have, here’s your sign. All you need to do is begin.

If you’d like to contribute to the Vent Over Tea blog, reach out to!

  • Danielle is a freelance writer and editor based out of Ottawa. She is currently studying Publishing at Ryerson University and navigating her lifelong relationship with her mental health one day at a time.

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