Category: Wellness

Changing Minds

This blog often talks about the power of conversation and all the wonders communication can bring, and I believe in every word that’s been written, but I’ve also been overwhelmed recently by how little impact conversations can have when it comes to changing people’s minds.

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Talking to Yourself About It

Despite the negative connotations that go along with ‘talking’ to yourself, checking in with yourself, being aware of how you’re feeling, knowing how to express your thoughts and emotions, and encouraging or regulating yourself are all positive things.

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Lessons from an Original Hippie Commune

Many of the communes that began in the 60’s have since died out – largely due to an inability to support themselves financially. Twin Oaks has been successfully supporting itself since 1967 through production of hammocks, furniture, and most recently tofu.

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Reality is in itself an agreed upon fabrication of our collective consciousness, making the emotions caused by a dream – or a perceived reality – just as real as any other emotion.

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Emotion Palette

As humans, we have the unique ability to experience a colourful palette of complex, rich emotions: we can be green with envy, sometimes we have the blues and other times our faces are tinged red with embarrassment or rage.

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Talking To Strangers

It may seem counterintuitive, but in certain contexts, you can feel more secure sharing a secret with a stranger than with someone close to you.

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Tiny Screens

Since the first brick hit the market, our phones have gotten smaller and smaller in the hopes of making our world feel a little smaller too, and while phones have made long distances feel small, they’ve also made small ones much bigger.

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