Coffee Break February 7th – Event Recap

On the evening of the seventh of February, there was a snowstorm in Montreal. This was not an unusual occurrence. However, as the chunky snowflakes tumbled their way down from the sky, veiling themselves over the snug streets of Saint-Henri, magic was happening at a beloved local joint, Cafe Joe.
Presence for the People

People who spend their days on city streets, particularly those who are begging for money, get ignored by hundreds of people every day.
Why Cyclist Safety in Montreal is a Community Problem

These incidents are indicative of a problem that extends beyond reckless lane changes and forgotten blind spots.
Lessons from an Original Hippie Commune

Many of the communes that began in the 60’s have since died out – largely due to an inability to support themselves financially. Twin Oaks has been successfully supporting itself since 1967 through production of hammocks, furniture, and most recently tofu.
Updates and Reflections – July 2017

Conversations with strangers. I’ve always enjoyed them, but I never thought I would spend some of my mid-twenties building an organization around them. Such is life and here I am, watching what was once a tiny seed of an idea in Sarah Fennessey’s head blossom into an entirely volunteer-run organization that acts as the ears […]

I’ve been in therapy for mental health issues twice. On both occasions, the question I was asked was, “Have you talked to anyone about this?”
The Loveliness of the Winter Blues

The cold wind sends shivers up your spine and puts a heaviness in your heart that wasn’t there before.