Category: Relationships

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Understanding how to establish healthy boundaries has been a journey to say the least, and I hope sharing my experiences can help others who face similar struggles.

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Relationships Nowadays

Some people believe that there is only one kind of relationship—intimate ones. However, relationships manifest themselves in multiple kinds of connections such as family, friends, and romantic partners.

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Love in Different Languages

Next time your anxiety is tricking you into believing that your partner doesn’t love you, take a minute to reflect on how their love language differentiates from yours

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Dating With Anxiety

Oftentimes, the thought of putting yourself out there and being vulnerable may sound anxiety-provoking. Sometimes we may find that relationships feel more difficult to maintain when we have anxiety.

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In Queer Waters

As we celebrate Pride this week in Montreal, I wanted to share my journey about how I went from struggling with invalidation and self-doubt, to fully embracing my identity.

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Love and Attachment

In the world of dating, some partners seem to be overly attached while others are allergic to commitment. More often than not, this is the result of different attachment styles.

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