Death Literacy is Life Literacy

Death literacy is about the acquisition of knowledge and understanding death systems. This can include examining our society’s reactions to death and navigating end-of-life and deathcare options.

Normalizing the Uncommon

None of us go through life thinking we’ll be the ones facing uncommon challenges, yet we often do at one point or another.

Relationships Nowadays

Some people believe that there is only one kind of relationship—intimate ones. However, relationships manifest themselves in multiple kinds of connections such as family, friends, and romantic partners.

Navigating Compulsory Heterosexuality

Compulsory heterosexuality is ingrained from the moment you’re born—takes a long time to dismantle, which is why many people come out later in life.

What’s Weighing You Down?

I became weighed down by the fear of making others uncomfortable. The dread of feeling obligated to navigate other peoples’ problems and insecurities because I don’t fit neatly into the narrative they’ve created for me.