Catégorie : Sujets de santé mentale

Feeling Like a Burden

We are not a burden; it is a mind trick that requires a swiftly concentrated brain to overcome it. We are more than capable of being our own heroes and saving our lost souls from the dark and stormy black sea of negative thoughts.

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Being Pluto

This feeling of disconnection is common amongst the general population but it doesn’t have to be a forever thing.

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The Bell Jar Effect

Sometimes, finding support in anonymity or through introspection is more attainable than venting aloud, and that’s okay. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to getting through the depths of mental illness.

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Home Away From Home

Living abroad can teach us so many things, but it also has its ups and downs. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of this life-changing experience.

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