Catégorie : Sujets saisonniers

How To Manage Holiday Stress

While we might be happy to see our family, eat delicious meals, and take a break from work, there is a stressful side to the holiday season. Here’s what you can do to take it in your stride.

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Embracing the Holiday Pounds

After a few merry feasts, many of us struggle with feelings of shame and regret over gaining some «holiday weight.» This post-holiday season, it’s time to cut ourselves some slack.

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A Change in the Right Direction

A new year can bring with it some pressures that are difficult to avoid when self-improvement is the flavour of the month. Whether or not you made resolutions this year, there are a few things to consider when trying to make a change in your life.

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Cold Comfort

It’s not uncommon to have a hard time in the winter months. The good news is, there are things you can do to make this time of year better.

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Gratitude is for more than Thanksgiving

You always think that when things get better, you’ll be happier again. But by practicing gratitude you’ll train yourself to see the good in your life regardless of the situation, which can have physical and mental health benefits.

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