Why You Should Try Practicing Self-Compassion

Most of us are used to pushing ourselves to give our best and accomplish our goals. But what if we tried to show compassion to ourselves instead?
Cold Comfort

It’s not uncommon to have a hard time in the winter months. The good news is, there are things you can do to make this time of year better.
Just A Thought

Nearly our entire conscious life is filled up with thoughts, but do you ever stop to think about your them? Do you ever question them?
Did You Hear…?

Everybody gossips. Everybody has derived some delight from sharing or hearing news about someone else. It’s human nature. But how is it impacting ourselves and others?
A Second Coming Out

There are stigmas around being in the LGBTQ+ community. And there are stigmas around having mental health issues. What if you fall into both categories?
Summer Blues

While warm weather, longer days, and more vacation time can make some people feel euphoric and free, it can make others feel agitated, guilty, tired, and jealous.
Mentally Healing from Physical Injury

Getting injured sucks. So how do you keep the feelings of anger, frustration, sadness, isolation, and lack of motivation at bay while you recover?
Warming Up to Working Out

Exercise is a fantastic tool to have in your mental health tool kit, but if we think of it as an intimidating production, we may not use it. Instead start small, and take it day by day.
Creature comforts

Whether you’re a self-proclaimed adorer of little critters or not, spending time around friendly animals can help reduce stress and feelings of loneliness as well as improve your self esteem and outlook on life. Plus, they’re cute!
Crashing to a HALT

HALT is a self-care technique where you check in with yourself to see if you’re feeling Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired – and then try to fix the problem in a deliberate, healthy way.
Let’s Talk. And Listen. And Volunteer.

Whether or not you suffer from mental illness, understanding mental health issues – what they are, how they affect people, how you can help – is important for everyone
Curiouser and Curiouser

Being interesting is a pretty typical social goal to have, but have you tried being interested? As a big talker, I often try to think about ways to contribute to conversations that will make me seem funny, entertaining, or smart, but after doing a little research on the positive effects of curiosity on all kinds […]