Intergenerational Death Cafe


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Intergenerational Death Cafe
04:00 PM
3625 Aylmer

Vent Over Tea is excited to invite you to our Intergenerational Death CafĂ©, in partnership with The Yellow Door, and facilitated by David Robinson. Here, the conversation is lively, and the mood isn’t as grim as you might expect 😉

Join us at The Yellow Door Hive, 3625 Aylmer, on Tuesday March 12th, from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Although led primarily in English, this event is open to French speakers as well as our facilitator is bilingual.

This unique event is designed to bring people together across all ages and from different walks of life to discuss the too often taboo topic of death in a safe and comfortable environment. 

At this Death CafĂ©, we’ll share experiences, thoughts, and questions about death, dying, and bereavement. We promise the conversation won’t be a total downer.. we’re even bringing snacks and tea. We’ll explore everything from the afterlife to how we’d like to be remembered – and who knows, you might even leave with a new friend or two 💚

Expect to meet new people, hear fascinating stories, gain insights into your own relationship with death, and leave with new ideas to reflect on. 

We encourage you to bring an open mind, a sense of curiosity, and a willingness to engage in respectful dialogue with people from different backgrounds and generations. So join us for our Intergenerational Death CafĂ©, we can’t wait to hear your unique perspective – let’s explore this taboo topic together!

RSVP here on Zeffy now!

Vent Over Tea et La Porte Jaune vous invitent Ă  notre CafĂ© de la mort intergĂ©nĂ©rationnel, animĂ© par David Robinson, oĂč la conversation est animĂ©e et l’ambiance n’est pas aussi sinistre que vous pourriez l’imaginer 😉 Rejoignez-nous au La Porte Jaune au 3625 Aylmer le mardi 12 mars, de 16h00 Ă  18h00. Bien qu’animĂ© principalement en anglais, cet Ă©vĂ©nement est ouvert aux francophones car notre animateur est bilingue.

Lors de ce CafĂ© de la mort, nous partagerons nos expĂ©riences, nos rĂ©flexions et nos questions sur la mort, le dĂ©cĂšs et le deuil. Nous vous promettons que la conversation ne sera pas totalement dĂ©primante, nous avons mĂȘme prĂ©vu des collations et du thĂ©. Nous explorerons tous les sujets, de la vie aprĂšs la mort Ă  la façon dont nous aimerions que l’on se souvienne de nous – et qui sait, vous repartirez peut-ĂȘtre avec un nouvel ami ou deux 💚

Nous vous encourageons Ă  faire preuve d’ouverture d’esprit, de curiositĂ© et de volontĂ© d’engager un dialogue respectueux avec des personnes d’origines et de gĂ©nĂ©rations diffĂ©rentes. Rejoignez-nous pour notre Death CafĂ© intergĂ©nĂ©rationnel, nous avons hĂąte d’entendre votre point de vue unique – explorons ensemble ce sujet tabou!

About The Yellow Door

The Yellow Door aims to promote social inclusion and reduce loneliness among older and younger adults in downtown Montreal. Recognizing that many people feel socially isolated in the city, the Wellness Group program provides all ages with the opportunity to lead, share, and engage in workshops and activities that are community-oriented, creative, and promote holistic wellbeing.  

La Porte Jaune vise Ă  promouvoir l’inclusion sociale et Ă  rĂ©duire la solitude chez les adultes plus ĂągĂ©s et plus jeunes du centre-ville de MontrĂ©al. Reconnaissant que de nombreuses personnes se sentent socialement isolĂ©es dans la ville, le programme Wellness Group offre aux personnes de tous Ăąges la possibilitĂ© d’animer, de partager et de participer Ă  des ateliers et Ă  des activitĂ©s axĂ©s sur la communautĂ©, la crĂ©ativitĂ© et la promotion d’un bien-ĂȘtre holistique.

About David

David Robinson (he/him) is a crisis intervention worker, workshop facilitator, and member of a mutual support group. He has facilitated workshops on loneliness and togetherness, active listening, and creating + maintaining mutual support groups. He has also hosted numerous conversations on death and dying using the Death Cafe model.

David Robinson (il/lui) est intervenant en situation de crise, animateur d’ateliers et membre d’un groupe de soutien mutuel. Il a animĂ© des ateliers sur la solitude et la solidaritĂ©, l’Ă©coute active et la crĂ©ation et le maintien de groupes de soutien mutuel. Il a Ă©galement animĂ© de nombreuses conversations sur la mort et le dĂ©cĂšs en utilisant le modĂšle du Death Cafe.

About Vent Over Tea:

Vent Over Tea is a free active listening service in FR/EN based in Montréal that connects those who need to vent with an empathetic listener in a local café or virtually. To book a vent session or for more information, visit

Vent Over Tea offre un service d’Ă©coute active gratuit, en personne et confidentiel Ă  tous les membres de la communautĂ© locale dans le but de promouvoir le bien-ĂȘtre mental. Pour rĂ©server une sĂ©ance d’écoute active ou pour plus d’informations sur nos services, visitez le

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