Goodbye From Your Blog Manager

Though I’ll be leaving the team, I won’t forget all the things I’ve learned at Vent Over Tea – and I hope to carry it with me wherever I go.
Don’t Feed The Demon

As someone who struggles with a mental illness, I’ve often felt like I had to wrestle with an annoying little demon that lives in my brain.
Boredom Isn’t Boring

Webster’s dictionary defines boredom as “the state of being weary and restless through lack of interest.” That doesn’t sound very fun, and anyone that has ever been bored can confirm that it isn’t. Boredom can strike anywhere: on a long car trip, during a seemingly endless work meeting, or even on a weekend morning when […]
Surviving a Breakup 101

Going through a breakup isn’t easy, but it’s doable. Here are some things to remember in this difficult time.
The Value of Laughter

While it may seem counterintuitive to joke about mental illness, a sense of humour can be a powerful weapon to have in your arsenal.
Five Tips To Survive Job-Searching

Looking for work can be a taxing process, but there are things you can do to make it easier on your mental health.
Distress Tolerance, or the Art of Sitting in the Fire

It’s never easy or comfortable to feel bad. But accepting our negative feelings is often the first step to coping with them in a healthy, mindful way.
Why We Don’t Like To Talk About Anger

Anger is a complicated emotion, and one that hasn’t been spoken about as much as other mental health issues. Instead of repressing it, sometimes understanding it can be the first step of healing.
Mindful Me-Time

Time is our most precious commodity, but we’re all guilty of taking it for granted sometimes. We all need a reminder to evaluate our lives and how we’re spending our «free time».
Three Reasons to Include Cooking in your Self-Care Routine

Cooking can be a wonderful opportunity to be mindful and to take care of yourself and others.
Netflix and Breaking Down Stigma

February weather can make going outside a challenge. Here are three shows that are not only entertaining, but also touch upon mental health in thoughtful ways.
How to Help Your Therapist Help You

Even as attitudes on mental health are changing, there seems to be a lingering sense of skepticism towards therapy. It’s crucial for us to believe in the solution just as much as we believe in the problem.